Robotify offers over 100 hours of guided coding activities that allow children to give simple instructions to a robot which enables them to learn engaging fundamentals of coding such as loops, functions and variables which prepares a child to write physical code.

Robotify can be used not only to prepare students to write code but also to teach the foundations and processes of robotics and technology and ultimately prepare them for their future journey with technology.

Key Benefits


The Easiest Way to Get Your School Coding Robotify provides the curriculum, the easy-to-use tools, and all the resources you need to run a perfect CS program. We’re Google Classroom and Clever partners too, offering seamless SSO integration for your school.


1. Educator Resource Pack

Ÿ Guide Book for Educators Educator resource documents provide a detailed explanation of each task and solution.

Ÿ Educator Assistance Educators receive instructions on how to help students moving at different paces.


2. Classroom Management

Ÿ  Import Existing Data Robotify allows you to import your existing classroom data from places like Clever Sync, Google Classroom and Microsoft Azure.

Ÿ Fully Comprehensive Classroom Tools View important information about your classroom and assign work for your students, all from the management dashboard.


3. Automatic Assessments

Ÿ Built-in Quizzes

Students complete built in mini-quizzes at the end of each module to reinforce concepts covered.

Ÿ Student Progress Metrics

View lesson progress, quiz results, concepts mastered and other insightful performance metrics for your classrooms.


4. Data Security Compliant

Student data is highly secure and owned by your district. Robotify is GDPR, COPPA, FERPA and SOPIPA compliant. Refer to our terms for more information.



The Easiest Way For Your Kids to Learn Coding It’s a Self paced & guided learning, Standard driven, practical, Fun and intuitive coding learning program.

A Comprehensive Programming Curriculum

Our interactive curriculum is designed to complement CSTA & ISTE standards. Robotify lets students learn at their own pace while also enjoying the gamified experience. The curriculum features over 100 hours of robotics, STEM, and programming courses at present.


1. Enjoy Learning

We want you to enjoy learning about coding with robots, but we know that sourcing a physical robot can be hard.

Ÿ Narrated Learning Enjoy learning with the Robotify narrative learning approach.

Ÿ STEAM Roles Take on the role of a robot, marine biologist or space mission commander.

Ÿ Be Rewarded Get rewarded for the steps you get right and receive help when it’s really just too difficult.


2. Build Your Knowledge

We want you to learn by doing, not sitting around watching lecture videos. Get your hands dirty by exploring our virtual environments today.

Ÿ Visual Coding Build code using a visual coding language.

Ÿ Build Confidence Start with a blank canvas and work your way up to fully functional programs.

Ÿ Grow & Develop Learn new ideas and implement them straight away.


3. Make Something New

Get involved with community projects and challenges, and impress others by making algorithms and solutions that you can share.

Ÿ Expand The Awesome Copy exciting community projects to come up with your extensions.

Ÿ Algorithms Create algorithms to test and solve problems in virtual environments.

Ÿ Challenge the Community Come up with challenges for others to build on and solve.


4. Get that Feedback

Instant feedback on your task solutions helps you understand new concepts and guides you towards better solutions.

Ÿ Make Mistakes Learn by making mistakes and figuring out the right way.

Ÿ Smart Feedback Get feedback that’s relevant to what you’re trying to do.

Ÿ Virtual Guide Help get over those coding “speed bumps” by having simple errors highlighted.


5. Variety of Robots

Robotify is a robot factory! We design and test new robots all the time; you’ll get access to a range of robots with all sorts of capabilities.

Ÿ The Latest & Greatest Expect new robots regularly with new features.

Ÿ Variety of Bots Use a variety of robots in your projects.

Ÿ Understand the Robots Learn how new robots work through our courses.


6. Location Location Location

Not every environment is explorable in real life, but we can help you get there with virtual locations like the depths of the ocean and the surface of Mars.

Ÿ New Environments Monthly New physics brings you to low gravity, underwater, and underground environments. Can’t get there right now? Don’t worry we’ll take you there.

Series Highlights