Learn Social recognizes that learning a language is about being able to communicate.Your students need to be able to take their knowledge of English and use it in real interaction and communication.

Most platforms for language learners provide interactive exercises which work well for grammar, vocabulary and listening or reading comprehension. But what about speaking and writing?

Learn Social has the answer. Learn Social has all the activities your students need PLUS social media tools to allow communication

Key Benefits

Institution & Teacher

Using Learn Social in your institution helps you to meet the expecta- actions of your students, makes high-quality content available to more students, is extremely cost-effective and extends your brand and gives you a competitive advantage.

Learn Social saves teacher’s time with auto- matic grading, allows teachers to interact with students outside class and gives teachers the tools to track progress and monitor scores.

Choose the courses which best suit your students and choose different courses for different students without having to install or learn how to use different software for every course.



If you choose Learn Social, your students will feel part of a university that is keeping pace with technology and allowing them to learn in the way they want to learn. Students are using social tools all the time in their daily lives. They don’t expect to stop just because they are learning. They want to be social while learning, too.

Engaged students mean:

  • Better English results and increased loyalty to your institution.
  • The platform can also be used offline. Students can download units to their device for times when automatically when they are back online again.

Series Highlights

Learn Social is a web browser-based platform which has been developed for English language learners by Learn Social Ltd.

The Learn Social platform offers many different English language courses with content targeted at 16-24 year olds.

How is Learn Social different?
Learn Social recognizes that learning a language is about being able to communicate. Your students need to be able to take their knowledge of English and use it in real interaction and communication.

How does it work?
Whenever students have to complete a speaking or writing exercise, they first submit their work to their Study Group for review. Students can see one another’s answers and give feedback. Students can improve their answers before submitting them to the teacher for the final grade and scoring.

What are the benefits of Social Learning?
Social Learning involves peer review which is motivating for students and produces better results.
Peer review:

  • creates a real audience for students, encouraging them to speak or write in an authentic way.
  • encourages them to reflect on their work and to watch out for common mistakes
  • Is collaborative and communicative.